Individual with Moebius syndrome

An adult with Moebius syndrome
A parent of a child with Moebius syndrome
A friend or family member of someone with Moebius Syndrome
A professional working with Moebius syndrome
// (mm/dd/yyyy)

Less than high school
High school / GED
Trade school
Some college
2 year degree
4 year degree
Masters degree
Doctoral degree

A critical part of the Foundation's Mission is to learn as much as possible about our members so we can best meet their needs. Please assist us by answering the following confidential questions. 


Eye issues
Dental issues
Feeding issues
Hearing loss
Limb difference
Speech issues
Sleep issues
Social/emotional issues (depression/anxiety)
Vision impairment
Complex medical needs
Poland syndrome
Intellectual disabilities
Autism Spectrum Disorder

An individual with Moebius syndrome in my age range
An adult with Moebius syndrome in my geographic area
A professional with Moebius syndrome in a specific field (Tell us more in the "other" box below)
Not at this time

Dental issues
Eye Issues
Feeding issues
Hearing issues
Limb difference
Sleep issues
Speech issues
Social/emotional issues(depression/anxiety/social issues)
Vision impairment
Poland syndrome
Intellectual disabilities
Autism spectrum disorder

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